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la tour

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A concept album, a single track conceived as an epic set against the backdrop of Zephyr's home world, and his exploration of the mountains of the Adelfadelt region to find a lost artefact.

Garvalf resumes his usual style, mixing melodies of folk ambiance, with darker passages in the style of the most traditional Dungeon Synth...

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Tracklist (Edit)

  1. Faer (la tour) ..................................... 44:00

Story (Edit)

English (Edit)

After he traveled on different realms, Zephyr returned to his native world, in the Ivkapel region. There, he no longer recognised his country, as forces of darkness seemed to have taken control over the population.

He therefore decided to travel northward with his company, towards the mountains of Adelfadelt, in order to recover a sceptre that could help to restore sovereignty and independence.

They arrived in a large valley and crossed a drawbridge to enter a tower strangely arranged on several levels, built on the side of a mountain, which allowed to reach various spaces and landscapes...

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French (Edit)

Après ses voyages dans divers plans, Zéphyr retourne dans son monde d'origine, dans la région de Ivkapel. Là, il ne reconnait plus son pays, des forces des ténèbres semblant avoir pris le contrôle de la population.

Il récupère la baguette de magie, et décide de voyager vers le nord avec sa compagnie, en direction des montagnes d'Adelfadelt, dans le but de récupérer un sceptre qui redonnera souveraineté et indépendance.

Ils arrivèrent dans une grande vallée et traversèrent un pont-levis pour entrer dans une tour étrangement disposée sur plusieurs niveaux, construite sur le flanc d'une montagne, qui permettait d'accéder à divers espaces et paysages...

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