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Joy in Sadness

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Get the 2022 Album "Joy in Sadness":

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Tracklist (Edit)

01: Joy in Sadness
02: Escaping the Dawn
03: Tunnels of light
04: The Ghost in the Clearing
05: Lullaby for a deep Sleep
06: La moisson d'hiver
07: The Tale of the lone Fairy
08: Lykos and the Prophetress
09: Ronde du loup
10: Vospominanie
11: Peak
12: Tentations
13: Soir d'automne
14: Étoile
15: Le sanctuaire du hibou
16: Pavane
17: La Tour
18: Quatuor en Si mineur
19: The Summer Muse
20: Tigres et pirates
21: La salamandre
22: Lac souterrain
23: Le droit chemin
24: L'herbe verte