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=== But how can I make a noise?! === Maybe now you are wondering how to make a noise. This is quite complicated in Vortex tracker, especially if you are used to FL Studio etc, but you'll get the hang of it in no time. You are now in the pattern editor. It is where you will spend most of your time composing. However, you should ignore it for now, and click the "Samples" tab. You should now be looking at some small boxes and a big list of strange looking codes and numbers. This is the sample editor where you create your instruments. At the moment, the first line of that big list you can see says: ``` 00 | tne+000_ +00(00)_ 0_ Change it to read: ``` 00 | Tne+000_ +00(00)_ F_ That's right, all you need to do is capitalise one letter, and change a 0 to an F. Simple! Now just up and to the left of this list is a box called the "Test field". It should say something like: ``` ....|..|C-4 1F.F .... Click on where it says C-4. Hit some buttons on your keyboard. Hurrah!! Yeah, so I made a beep. I want to make a song! Of course you do! Go back to the pattern editor by clicking the "Pattern" tab. The pattern editor works like any tracker, with columns representing different channels. In this case, there are 3 columns, for 3 channels. The main part of the pattern editor contains only 3 different characters (besides the row numbers down the left hand side): | and --- and . The | cannot be changed, it is essentially there for decoration. You'll notice you can't select it. The full stops (periods) are for effects and commands. We'll look at these later. For now, let's focus on the ---. This is the most important part of the pattern editor, because it is where you add notes! Select the first set of three hyphens in the first column. Press "E" on your keyboard. An E note was added. Now use the down key on your keyboard to move the cursor to the row labelled 04. Press "W" on your keyboard. Move to the row labelled 08, and press "Q", then to the row labelled 0C, and press "W" again. Press F8 to hear what you've done. Press Esc to stop it. Or use the transport controls at the top of the screen. Sounds okay? Not really, but it's alright. But wouldn't it be nice if the last note didn't carry on forever? Go to line 0E and press "A". "R--" was added. This means note cut. It allows you to use rests in your song. Press F8 again. It's the first 4 notes of "Mary Had A Little Lamb". Try and finish the song if you want, if you can't be bothered, don't.
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